Owner Link Tales
Miracles ♕
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 | 6:11 PM | 0 wink

I love how your eyes close whenever you kiss me. And when I’m away from you I love how you miss me. I love the way you always treat me tenderly. I love how your heart beats whenever I hold you. I love how you think of me without being told to. I love the way your touch is always heavenly. But most of all I love how you love me.

You know why everything you do is cute to me? It’s because you’re 
the only person who has made my heart stop, with just the sound of
 your voice.



You’re looking at him across the room wondering just how it all slipped away so soon. You’re looking to find some look in his eyes that will take you back to yesterday. Don’t remember the when or the where or why. All you know is that something has changed inside and you can’t bring it back no matter how you try. You know it’s over, you’ve got to say goodbye. It’s such a shame, when lovers become strangers. It’s such a shame, when you don’t know each other any more and all the memories that you shared are all that’s still there. </3

You’re looking at him across the room wondering just how it all 
slipped away so soon. You’re looking to find some look in his eyes 
that will take you back to yesterday. Don’t remember the when or 
the where or why. All you know is that something has changed inside 
and you can’t bring it back no matter how you try. You know it’s 
over, you’ve got to say goodbye. It’s such a shame, when lovers 
become strangers. It’s such a shame, when you don’t know each 
other any more and all the memories that you shared are all that’s 
still there. </3



You know when you’re singing along with this song, and you know all the words cause you really love it. Then a train passes and a door closes, and you can’t hear the music anymore, but you keep singing anyway. Then, when you can hear it again, you’re still perfectly in time with it. Well, that’s what love is.

You know when you’re singing along with this song, and you know all 
the words cause you really love it. Then a train passes and a door 
closes, and you can’t hear the music anymore, but you keep singing 
anyway. Then, when you can hear it again, you’re still perfectly in 
time with it. Well, that’s what love is.



You and I are connected in a way that goes beyond romance, beyond friendship, beyond what we’ve ever had before. It has defied time, distance, and changes in ourselves and in our lives. I can’t explain it. I just feel it. It’s there in the way my spirit subtly lifts whenever we talk, how the sound of your voice brings me home in a way I can’t explain. It’s in the delight I feel when we laugh at exactly the same things. When I’m with you it’s like a tiny part of the universe shifts into the place it’s supposed to be, and all is right with the world.

You and I are connected in a way that goes beyond romance, beyond friendship,
beyondwhat we’ve ever had before. It has defied time, 
distance, and changes in ourselves and in our lives. I can’t explain it. 
I just feel it. It’s there in the way my spirit subtly lifts whenever we 
talk, how the sound of your voice brings me home in a way I can’t 
explain. It’s in the delight I feel when we laugh at exactly the same 
things. When I’m with you it’s like a tiny part of the universe shifts 
into the place it’s supposed to be, and all is right with the world.



I want a man who’s willing to commit himself to me and be proud? that I’m his girl, a man who will fight for our love until the very end, a man that will never ever let go of me no matter what and lastly, a man who will accept me for who I am and brings out the best in me.

I want a man who’s willing to commit himself to me and be proud?
 that I’m his girl, a man who will fight for our love until the very end, a 
man that will never ever let go of me no matter what and lastly, a 
man who will accept me for who I am and brings out the best in me.



How to have fun with him at the movies:
Make sure you’re comfortable with the person you are with. It should be someone you know well and enjoy being around. You should be close to them and you shouldn’t find them boring or irritating.
Choose a film that you both like, for the times when you are watching the film. If you haven’t agreed on the film, you will get bored halfway through it, and lose interest. Try one of the many film review websites out there before you go.
Break any touch barriers by resting your head on his shoulder. He may do anything from flinch to take the hint and place his arm around you.
Enjoy the movie, you’re with the person you like and it feels good being with them.
Get some food, like popcorn, and share it with each other. Make sure you both like it!
If you want to kiss him, or have him kiss you, lean against his shoulder and look up at him.
Most importantly, have fun. If he’s no fun to be around, will he be worth it?

How to have fun with him at the movies:

-Make sure you’re comfortable with the person you are with. It 
should be someone you know well and enjoy being around. 
You should be close to them and you shouldn’t find them 
boring or irritating.
-Choose a film that you both like, for the times when you are
 watching the film. If you haven’t agreed on the film, you will 
get bored halfway through it, and lose interest. Try one of the
 many film review websites out there before you go.
-Enjoy the movie, you’re with the person you like and it feels 
good being with them.
-Get some food, like popcorn, and share it with each other. 
Make sure you both like it!
-Most importantly, have fun. If he’s no fun to be around, will he 
be worth it?


It’s love when the only thing you want to see are his eyes gazing into yours. When the only thing you want to feel are his arms around you. When the only thing you want to taste are his lips against yours. When the only thing you want to smell is the gentle scent of his skin. And when the only thing you want to hear is his voice, telling you how much he loves you.

It’s love when the only thing you want to see are his eyes gazing into 
yours. When the only thing you want to feel are his arms around you. 
When the only thing you want to taste are his lips against yours. When 
the only thing you want to smell is the gentle scent of his skin. And 
when the only thing you want to hear is his voice, telling you how 
much he loves you.

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